Violations of the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act (ESA) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
If you have been accused of violating the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), or any other international, federal, or state statute, then Patrick Flanigan is a lawyer with experience handling these multi-layered types of cases. This area of the law is complex. This includes not only fish, but wildlife and plants including the harvest, trade, importing, exporting, and reporting. If you have been accused of violations of the ESA or CITES, and you want the advice of an attorney who fight to protect your interests, then contact Patrick Flanigan.
At the Law Office of Patrick Flanigan, attorney Patrick Flanigan represents clients who are accused of violating the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act. He represent clients nationwide, including commercial fishermen, individuals and businesses in civil, criminal and administrative actions. To schedule your free initial consultation, contact his firm online or call at 610-628-0539.
NOAA and the Endangered Species Act/Marine Mammal Protection Act
Both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) monitor the federal and state waters and enforce a wide range of federal and state statutes, including the Endangered Species Act, the Lacey Act, and CITES. A few examples are:
- Take of dead animals or “lethal takes” of listed threatened or endangered species
- Nonlethal takes, harassment and disruptions that affect breeding, migration, feeding and other behavioral patterns of listed threatened or endangered species
- Takes or other violations.
- Vessel speed violations, vessel collisions and injuries to people
- Chemical discharges and other forms of habitat destruction
- Unlawful or noncompliant gear
- Possessing, importing or exporting commercial quantities marine and non-marine species
- Violations of protective marine and non-marine programs.
- Permit and CITES violations
Attorney Patrick Flanigan also represents clients who are facing violations of state Fish and Wildlife Departments.
To learn more about your options, contact the law firm online or call at 610-628-0539 to schedule your free and confidential initial consultation. For your convenience, attorney Patrick Flanigan offers evening and weekend consultations. Contingent, hourly and other negotiated fee structures are available and may be customized to your needs.